Littlefinger and Pycelle object, but Eddard insists on seeking justice.

Eddard also sends word to Casterly Rock, demanding that Tywin explain his bannerman's actions. Pycelle is in court when Eddard dispatches Beric Dondarrion to bring Ser Gregor Clegane to justice for his looting in the Riverlands. He argues that though unpleasant, it is preferable to have her killed now rather than have thousands die later. He elucidates that he bears her no ill will personally, but fears that a Dothraki invasion of Westeros would be devastating. Pycelle supports the motion to assassinate Daenerys. Pycelle also lends Eddard a book about the lineages of the Great Houses that Jon borrowed just before his death. He still cautions Eddard to remember that poison is the weapon of a woman or a eunuch making sure that Eddard understands that he is implicating Varys. Pycelle says he thinks it unlikely having treated Jon for a feverish illness. Pycelle gives his opinion on Jon Arryn's death.Įddard meets with Pycelle to discuss the death of Jon Arryn, and suggests that he might have been killed by poison. Eddard questions the council's effectiveness, he and Pycelle both defending his predecessor, Jon Arryn. The council discuss financial matters, which has been made far worse by Robert's command to host a tournament, as well as their extensive debt to Tywin. He then gives Eddard his the badge of the Hand of the King, before asking if they should start the meeting. Eddard greets him cordially, but cannot help mentioning that Pycelle served under the Mad King. Pycelle calls a small council meeting to greet Eddard Stark upon his arrival from Winterfell to take up the role of Hand of the King. Pycelle attends Lord Hand Eddard's first small council meeting. He privately used to flout the vow of celibacy taken by maesters. He was loyal to Queen Cersei Lannister (although she found him annoying and his loyalty troubling) and was involved in the birth of all of her children, assisted by midwives. He played up his age to appear harmless, but was actually mentally sharp and dangerous. Following the rebellion, he remained Grand Maester to King Robert Baratheon. When Tywin Lannister marched to the gates of King's Landing, following the rebel victory at the Battle of the Trident, nearly all of the king's advisors told Aerys not to trust the Tywin Pycelle, however, gave the opposite counsel and the city gates were opened, allowing the Lannister forces to sack the capital. Pycelle advises the Mad King to open the gate to Tywin Lannister during the sack of King's Landing. He remembers Aerys as a great man before his descent into madness. He served King Aerys II Targaryen prior to Robert's Rebellion. The Grand Maester sits on the king's small council, which runs the realm in the name of the king. The Grand Maester is the king's personal maester, a learned man wise in history, science, and medicine who also provides counsel.
#Did little master season 2 faisal series
Pycelle has been Grand Maester of the Seven Kingdoms for decades and has served under four kings when the series begins.